Sunday 25 November 2018

Breast Correction Man

About a breast correction man (gynecomastia) is not talked so quickly. Yet it is a very common procedure. When there is breast formation in a man, one speaks of gynecomastia. The problem can occur on the one hand or on both sides and is often caused by excessive glandular tissue.

This may be due to excessive estrogen production. In some cases breast formation is caused by adipose tissue or a combination of fatty and glandular tissue. Sometimes breast formation in men disappears automatically but if this is not the case you can experience it as a disturbing problem. In that case, a surgical breast correction can offer a solution.

Information Breast correction man

Breast formation in men can have various causes, including a change in hormone production by, for example, swallowing hormones, an accumulation of adipose tissue, a side effect of medication or a reaction to metabolic alterations. In many cases, however, it is difficult to identify a cause of gynecomastia.

When there is breast formation in a man, one speaks of gynecomastia. The problem can occur on the one hand or on both sides and is often caused by excessive glandular tissue. Sometimes breast formation in men disappears automatically, but if this is not the case you can experience it as a disturbing problem.

Treatment Breast correction man

You will be expected half an hour before your treatment in the Boerhaave clinic. Read here how a day of treatment in general goes.

If you undergo gynecomastia treatment under local anesthesia, you will be given a few small injections on the operating table of the plastic surgeon in the area to be treated. The places where the slices come are therefore numb.

In gynecomastia under anesthetic you will receive a thin tube in your arm (an infusion) through which the anesthetic is administered. A possible shortage of fluid due to the sobering is also compensated via the infusion. When you feel good again after the procedure and can drink again, the infusion is removed. During treatment under anesthesia, the heart rate and breathing are monitored and monitored by the anesthetist, in addition to the pulse.

In gynecomastia treatment, you usually take the supine position on the operating table. If you suffer from excess glandular tissue, the plastic surgeon will make an incision on the underside of your areola. Through this small incision, the plastic surgeon separates the gland tissue from the skin and muscle. Subsequently, the glandular tissue can be easily removed, leaving a small amount to prevent denting of the nipple.

If your breast is caused by adipose tissue, the plastic surgeon will apply the liposuction method. 
If the correction is satisfactory to the plastic surgeon, the slices are closed with small (soluble) sutures. The skin is then covered with wound dressing. You will then be given special pressure clothing or a pressure bandage over the treated area.

Expensive gynecomastia treatment

The duration of a gynecomastia treatment depends on the size of the gynecomastia. A more extensive gynecomastia treatment naturally lasts longer. Generally, a gynecomastia treatment lasts from 60 to 150 minutes.

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